Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon is Another Testament of Jesus Christ on the continent of the America's. God loves all people and he claimed that he was going to visit others who were "not of this fold"

Who are those people he spoke of? Because he loves all and he was not going to leave it to chance to get the word out, (he had already told the apostles to :"go ye into all the world") we can know that these "other sheep" were further away, not where Jesus was born. He was going to other people to declare his words. Ezekiel predicts of this truth as well. It explains that things will be written on "sticks" one for Judah and one for Joseph. Sticks in the day of Ezekiel made reference to scrolls. We know that the Bible was written by Jews but where is the other "Stick"? It is found in the Book of Mormon.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints now holds these two books, the Bible and the Book of Mormon as one record testifying to the world of the truthfulness that Christ established his truth here upon the earth. I just took a class from David Bokovoy PHD in the Hebrew Bible and Author of many different books on Ancient Scripture. The Book of Mormon has specific links that establish it's validity and authenticity with regards to the Hebraic Bible. Though the Book of Mormon was brought to light in 1830 through the Prophet Joseph Smith it was not until much later that many Hebrew writing styles were known in the western world. The idea of Chiasms and Seidelas and other strictly Hebraic writing styles help us to establish it's validity scientifically speaking. But, the truth of this book - The Book of Mormon, is found within it's text. I would suggest further inspection through reading it's message and praying for confirmation of it's validity by that Being that Knows all truth. Christ's visit to America is found within it's pages.
Order a free Book of Mormon Here.